Unraveling the Mystery: How to Read Nested XML in Pentaho Using XML Input or XML Stream Reader
Image by Nektario - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How to Read Nested XML in Pentaho Using XML Input or XML Stream Reader

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Are you tired of wrestling with complex XML structures in Pentaho? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering how to extract data from those pesky nested elements? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to demystify the art of reading nested XML in Pentaho using XML Input or XML Stream Reader.

What is Nested XML, Anyway?

A Simple Example of Nested XML

    <name>John Doe</name>
      <street>123 Main St</street>

As you can see, the `

` element is nested within the `` element, which is itself contained within the `` element. Now, imagine trying to extract specific data points from this structure using Pentaho. That’s where our heroes, XML Input and XML Stream Reader, come in.

Method 1: Using XML Input

The XML Input step in Pentaho is a powerful tool for reading and parsing XML files. To use it for nested XML, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new transformation in Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) and add an XML Input step to the canvas.
  2. Select “File” as the input type and specify the location of your XML file.
  3. Choose “Nested XML” as the XML structure type.
  4. In the “Fields” section, add new fields for each element you want to extract. Use the “+” button to add a new field.
  5. For each field, specify the XPath expression that points to the desired element. For example, `/root/person/name` would extract the `` element.
  6. Once you’ve configured the XML Input step, click “OK” to save your changes.
  7. Preview the data by right-clicking the XML Input step and selecting “Preview row.”
Field XPath Expression
name /root/person/name
street /root/person/address/street
city /root/person/address/city

Method 2: Using XML Stream Reader

The XML Stream Reader step is another option for reading and parsing XML files in Pentaho. It’s particularly useful when dealing with large files or real-time data streams. To use it for nested XML, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new transformation in PDI and add an XML Stream Reader step to the canvas.
  2. Select “File” as the input type and specify the location of your XML file.
  3. In the “Content” section, choose “XML” as the content type.
  4. In the “Fields” section, add new fields for each element you want to extract. Use the “+” button to add a new field.
  5. For each field, specify the XPath expression that points to the desired element. For example, `/root/person/name` would extract the `` element.
  6. In the “Loop” section, specify the repeating element (in this case, `/root/person`) and the XML namespace (if applicable).
  7. Once you’ve configured the XML Stream Reader step, click “OK” to save your changes.
  8. Preview the data by right-clicking the XML Stream Reader step and selecting “Preview row.”
Field XPath Expression
name /root/person/name
street /root/person/address/street
city /root/person/address/city

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • When working with nested XML, it’s essential to use the correct XPath expressions to extract the desired data. Use online tools or the built-in XPath editor in Pentaho to help you craft the perfect expression.
  • In the XML Input step, you can use the “Get nested fields” option to automatically extract all nested fields from the XML structure.
  • In the XML Stream Reader step, make sure to specify the correct repeating element to avoid infinite loops or incorrect data extraction.
  • Use the “Preview row” feature to test and debug your XML Input or XML Stream Reader step. This will help you identify any issues or errors in your configuration.


In this article, we’ve demystified the process of reading nested XML in Pentaho using XML Input and XML Stream Reader. By following these step-by-step guides, you’ll be able to extract valuable data from even the most complex XML structures. Remember to use the correct XPath expressions, configure your steps correctly, and test your transformations thoroughly. Happy ETL-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to read nested XML in Pentaho? Look no further! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions.

How do I read a nested XML file using the XML Input step in Pentaho?

To read a nested XML file using the XML Input step, you need to specify the correct XPath expression in the “Loop XML” tab. For example, if your XML file has a structure like ``, you would specify the XPath expression as `/root/element` to loop through each `element` node and its nested `subelement` nodes. Make sure to select the correct XML parser and set the “Validate XML” option to false if your XML file is large.

How do I handle multiple levels of nesting in my XML file using Pentaho’s XML Stream Reader?

When dealing with multiple levels of nesting, it’s essential to use the “Nested” option in the XML Stream Reader step. This option allows you to specify a separate XPath expression for each level of nesting. For example, if your XML file has a structure like ``, you would specify three separate XPath expressions: `/root` for the root node, `/root/element` for the element node, and `/root/element/subelement` for the subelement node. This will help Pentaho navigate the nested structure correctly.

Can I use the XML Stream Reader step to read an XML file with a complex schema?

Yes, the XML Stream Reader step is designed to handle complex XML schemas. However, you may need to use additional features like namespace handling and XPath expressions to navigate the XML structure correctly. You can also use the “Schema” option to specify an XSD schema file that defines the structure of your XML file. This will help Pentaho validate the XML file and extract the data correctly.

How do I extract data from nested XML elements using Pentaho’s XML Input step?

To extract data from nested XML elements, you need to specify the correct XPath expression in the “Fields” tab of the XML Input step. For example, if you want to extract the value of a nested element like `value`, you would specify the XPath expression as `/root/element/subelement`. You can then use the “Get XML Node Data” option to extract the value of the nested element.

What are some common tips and tricks for reading nested XML files in Pentaho?

Some common tips and tricks for reading nested XML files in Pentaho include using the correct XPath expressions, handling namespace prefixes, and using the “Preview” option to test your XML Input or XML Stream Reader step. You can also use the “Error handling” option to handle errors and exceptions during the XML parsing process. Additionally, make sure to optimize your XML parsing step for performance by using the correct XML parser and setting the correct buffer sizes.

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