Stuck in Firebase Limbo: Unable to Delete App Hosting Backends for Failed Deployments?
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Stuck in Firebase Limbo: Unable to Delete App Hosting Backends for Failed Deployments?

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Have you ever found yourself trapped in a frustrating cycle, unable to delete Firebase App Hosting backends for failed deployments? You’re not alone! This issue has been plaguing developers and users alike, leaving them feeling helpless and frustrated. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to resolve this pesky problem once and for all!

The Problem: No Delete Option in the Dashboard

The symptoms are all too familiar: you attempt to delete a failed deployment’s backend, only to find that the delete option is mysteriously absent from the Firebase dashboard. You’ve tried refreshing, re(logging in, and even resorting to voodoo rituals (don’t lie, we’ve all been there!), but nothing seems to work.

So, what’s going on? Why can’t you delete these pesky backends? The answer lies in the way Firebase handles failed deployments.

Firebase’s Deployment Lifecycle

Firebase follows a specific deployment lifecycle, which can be broken down into three stages:

  • Pending : When you initiate a deployment, it enters the pending state. During this stage, Firebase validates your code and prepares it for deployment.
  • Failed : If the deployment encounters an error, it enters the failed state. This is where our problem arises, as we’re left with a backend that refuses to be deleted.
  • Successful : When the deployment completes successfully, it enters the active state, and the backend is created or updated accordingly.

In the case of failed deployments, Firebase doesn’t automatically remove the associated backend. This is a deliberate design choice, as it allows developers to debug and retry deployments without losing valuable data.

The Solution: Using the Firebase CLI

Since the dashboard doesn’t provide a delete option, we’ll need to resort to using the Firebase CLI (Command-Line Interface) to remove these stubborn backends. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the CLI; we’ll walk through the process step-by-step!


Before we dive in, make sure you have:

  • Installed the Firebase CLI on your system (run npm install -g firebase-tools or yarn global add firebase-tools to get started)
  • Logged in to the Firebase CLI using firebase login (follow the prompts to authenticate)
  • Selected the correct Firebase project using firebase use (replace with your project’s ID)

Deleting the Backend using the Firebase CLI

Now that we’ve covered the prerequisites, let’s delete that pesky backend! Run the following command in your terminal:

firebase hosting:disable --backend-id 

Replace with the ID of the backend you want to delete (you can find this in the Firebase dashboard or by running firebase hosting:list). This command will disable the backend, making it eligible for deletion.

Next, run:

firebase hosting:delete --backend-id 

This will delete the backend, finally freeing you from the clutches of Firebase limbo!

Verify the Deletion

To confirm that the backend has been deleted, run:

firebase hosting:list

This command will display a list of active backends in your Firebase project. If the backend you deleted is no longer present, you’ve successfully resolved the issue!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As with any solution, there might be edge cases or unexpected issues that arise. Let’s address some common problems you might encounter:

  • Error: “Failed to disable backend: backend does not exist” : Double-check that you’ve entered the correct backend ID. Make sure you’re running the command in the correct directory and that you’ve selected the correct Firebase project.
  • Error: “Failed to delete backend: backend is still active” : Run firebase hosting:disable --backend-id again to ensure the backend is disabled before attempting to delete it.

By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you should be able to delete those pesky Firebase App Hosting backends for failed deployments.


In this article, we’ve explored the issue of being unable to delete Firebase App Hosting backends for failed deployments and the solution using the Firebase CLI. By understanding the deployment lifecycle and leveraging the power of the CLI, you can regain control over your Firebase project and eliminate those unwanted backends.

Remember, when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, take a deep breath, grab your trusty terminal, and unleash the power of the Firebase CLI!

Command Description
firebase login Log in to the Firebase CLI
firebase use Select the correct Firebase project
firebase hosting:list List active backends in your Firebase project
firebase hosting:disable --backend-id Disable a backend, making it eligible for deletion
firebase hosting:delete --backend-id Delete a disabled backend

Now, go forth and conquer those backends! If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about deleting Firebase App Hosting Backends for failed deployments!

Why can’t I delete Firebase App Hosting Backends for failed deployments?

This is a common issue that occurs when the App Hosting Backend is still linked to an active Firebase Hosting site. You need to disconnect the backend from the site before attempting to delete it.

How do I disconnect the App Hosting Backend from the Firebase Hosting site?

To disconnect the backend, go to the Firebase Console, navigate to the Hosting section, click on the three vertical dots next to the site, and select “Disconnect backend”. Then, you should be able to delete the backend.

What if I’ve already deleted the Firebase Hosting site, but the backend still exists?

In this case, you can try using the Firebase CLI to delete the backend. Run the command `firebase hosting:disable ` to disable the backend, and then `firebase hosting:delete ` to delete it.

Why does Firebase prevent me from deleting the App Hosting Backend in the first place?

Firebase has a safety mechanism to prevent accidental deletion of App Hosting Backends that are still linked to active sites. This ensures that your site remains functional and avoids potential downtime.

Is there a way to automate the deletion of failed deployments and their associated backends?

Yes, you can use Firebase’s API or Cloud Functions to automate the deletion process. You can create a script that detects failed deployments and automatically deletes the associated backend. This requires some development effort, but it’s a scalable solution for large-scale projects.