Solving the Enigmatic “missing revert data” Error in Gnosis Safe executeTransaction
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Solving the Enigmatic “missing revert data” Error in Gnosis Safe executeTransaction

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Are you tired of encountering the perplexing “missing revert data” error while working with Gnosis Safe executeTransaction? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, for we’re about to embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind this error and provide a comprehensive guide on how to overcome it.

What is Gnosis Safe executeTransaction?

Gnosis Safe is a decentralized, open-source platform that enables users to manage digital assets in a secure and flexible manner. One of the core features of Gnosis Safe is the executeTransaction function, which allows users to execute transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. However, when things go awry, the “missing revert data” error can bring development to a grinding halt.

What is the “missing revert data” error?

The “missing revert data” error occurs when the executeTransaction function fails to retrieve the necessary data to revert a transaction. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Insufficient gas for the transaction
  • Invalid or malformed transaction data
  • Network congestion or high gas fees
  • Contract execution errors

Understanding the Anatomy of an executeTransaction Call

To better understand the root cause of the “missing revert data” error, let’s break down the components of an executeTransaction call:

const txCount = await safe.getTransactionCount();
const tx = {
  to: '0x...',
  value: '0x...',
  data: '0x...',
  operation: 0,
  nonce: txCount,
const txHash = await safe.executeTransaction(tx);

In the above code snippet, we’re creating a transaction object (tx) with the necessary parameters, including the recipient address (to), value, data, operation type, and nonce. The executeTransaction function is then called with the tx object as an argument, which returns a transaction hash (txHash).

Debugging the “missing revert data” Error

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the debugging process:

  1. Verify the transaction parameters:

    • Ensure that the recipient address is correct and valid.
    • Check that the value and data fields are properly formatted and encoded.
    • Confirm that the operation type is correct (0 for CALL, 1 for DELEGATECALL, etc.).
  2. Check the gas settings:

    • Verify that the gas limit is sufficient for the transaction.
    • Adjust the gas price according to the current network congestion and fees.
  3. Inspect the contract execution:

    • Use tools like Etherscan or Truffle Suite to inspect the contract execution and identify potential issues.
    • Verify that the contract is correctly deployed and configured.

Resolving the “missing revert data” Error

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes and debugged the issue, let’s explore the solutions:

Solution 1: Increase the Gas Limit

In many cases, the “missing revert data” error can be resolved by increasing the gas limit for the transaction. You can do this by:

const tx = {
  gas: 50000, // increased gas limit

Solution 2: Adjust the Gas Price

If the gas limit is sufficient, try adjusting the gas price to accommodate the current network congestion and fees. You can use tools like Etherscan’s Gas Tracker to determine the optimal gas price:

const tx = {
  gasPrice: web3.utils.toWei('20', 'gwei'), // adjusted gas price

Solution 3: Verify Contract Execution

If the issue persists, verify that the contract execution is correct and that the revert data is being properly returned. You can do this by:

const contract = new web3.eth.ContractABI, contractAddress);
const result = await contract.methods.myFunction().call();
console.log(result); // inspect the result and revert data

Solution 4: Use a Revert Debugger

In some cases, using a revert debugger like OpenZeppelin’s Revert Debugger can help identify the root cause of the “missing revert data” error:

const RevertDebugger = require('@openzeppelin/revert-defender');
const debugger = new RevertDebugger(contractAddress);
const result = await debugger.revertData(txHash);
console.log(result); // inspect the revert data


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demystified the “missing revert data” error in Gnosis Safe executeTransaction and provided clear, step-by-step instructions for resolving the issue. By following these solutions and debugging techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most perplexing errors and ensure seamless execution of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Solution Description
1. Increase Gas Limit Adjust the gas limit to ensure sufficient gas for the transaction
2. Adjust Gas Price Set the gas price according to network congestion and fees
3. Verify Contract Execution Inspect contract execution and revert data using contract methods
4. Use Revert Debugger Employ a revert debugger to identify the root cause of the error

By mastering these techniques, you’ll become proficient in tackling the “missing revert data” error and unlock the full potential of Gnosis Safe executeTransaction. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about Gnosis Safe’s executeTransaction “missing revert data” error!

What does the “missing revert data” error mean when executing a transaction on Gnosis Safe?

This error occurs when the transaction execution has failed, but the revert data (i.e., the reason for the failure) is not provided by the transaction executor. Think of it like trying to debug an error without knowing what went wrong – it’s frustrating! In this case, Gnosis Safe is telling you that it doesn’t have enough information to give you a meaningful error message.

Why does the “missing revert data” error happen in the first place?

The error can occur due to various reasons, such as a faulty smart contract, insufficient gas, or even a issue with the Ethereum network itself. Sometimes, it might be a temporary problem that resolves itself with a retry, but other times, it requires a deeper dive into the transaction’s details to identify the root cause.

How can I troubleshoot the “missing revert data” error when executing a transaction on Gnosis Safe?

To troubleshoot, you can try increasing the gas limit, checking the smart contract’s code for errors, or verifying that the transaction parameters are correct. You can also try using a different node or a tool like Truffle’s Debug Utility to get more insight into the transaction’s execution. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper and get your hands dirty!

Can I prevent the “missing revert data” error from happening in the first place?

While you can’t completely eliminate the risk of this error, you can take steps to minimize its occurrence. Always test your smart contracts thoroughly, ensure that your transaction parameters are correct, and use a reliable node or endpoint. Additionally, consider implementing robust error handling mechanisms in your code to provide more informative error messages.

What are some best practices to avoid the “missing revert data” error when building with Gnosis Safe?

Some best practices include using well-tested and audited smart contracts, implementing defensive programming techniques, and monitoring your transactions closely. It’s also essential to stay up-to-date with the latest Gnosis Safe and Ethereum network developments, as new features and fixes can help mitigate this error.

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